As time has passed, this site has undergone a bit of a re-do.  As you too might know, it is an interesting experience to let go of something that you have invested so much into, and has been so dear to you.  Having said that, since 2016 when Letters In Yoga began, I have made a switch of the intention of this site from being that of a resource page of Yoga teachers around the world, to being a site that supports the Yoga that I facilitate (ha, imagine that); and you will see, I have a keen focus on right living through the Yamas and Niyamas.  These first two limbs of Yoga are the core of my focus whenever I facilitate classes.  They are not merely a list of rules; but rather, an engaged way of living and being in this world.  They bring us back to ground in a world that is increasingly chaotic in everything from how to take care of our physical health, to the wellness of our mental and emotional bodies, to the anchoring in of our spiritual selves, and how does all of that fit in a world that promotes accelerated living.  A continual seeking to understand these foundations of Yoga, leads us into all teachings of Yoga.  And I love the inclusiveness of that. 



What hasn't changed about this site is its commitment to Kindness.  Whether we like to admit it or not, Kindness is something we need to work at until we remember that it's our natural state.  It is a practice in itself because it too, is an engaged quality; it needs to be activated and developed within our Being.  Kindness needs to be lived if it's to be alive in our system.  Kindness is a very alive and very present way to be...and it teaches us a-lot. 

I don't know that anyone will ever be "an expert" in Yoga, it is a practice after all, and it's us practicing with our very own humanity.  So there is a lot of humility on this site because I know (and love) that I will forever be learning the art of Yoga.  As I continually step along my own journey, I hope to share my own understandings so far, as a way to help you on your journey.  I do this through group classes and individually, both online and in person at studios and centers who support the practice.  All of us are stepping alone, but it’s made easier (and sometimes bearable) if we can look to someone of like-mind and the similar courage of willingness to step into the unknown.  Feel welcome to sign up for my newsletter to stay up-to-date with my offerings.

Thank you Rachel, creator and developer of Hippie in Heels blog. Whenever that giant ball of confusion rolled in whilst developing this site, you were right there to help roll it back out. Visit Rachel’s amazing blog at www.hippie-inheels.com

Please also refer to my listing on Yogafinder

Letters in Yoga