Journal Entries

Is It Giving Up?

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Many of us accommodate stress and anxiety - its daily tiptoeing into our bodies has become so normal that soon enough, go-go-go is the inner set-point for living our lives. The only rest the body can find then, is in the form of sleep, simply due to exhaustion. We hear it frequently during Savasana don't we, the one snoring somewhere in the corner of the room, or the rhythmic whistling exhale of another. Sleep overcoming the body...


Silence - Briefly

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Muni's are the silent Ones. Having chosen a life of sacred silence, they are deeply in the observance of Mauna, realizing its beauty and its life, and the reality of time there...


Balance And Momentum

By  Vanessa Webb | 

There are a tonne of people doing a tonne of such great work in the world right now. I'm not talking about big names who speak of the Gita then punch someone on stage during a televised awards show; I'm talking about everyday people, who are holding the heart of this world together. Many of you, who are reading this now, are doing such things...


To Catch A Thief

By  Vanessa Webb | 

My first journey through India began in early October 2005 when I left Mumbai from the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus train station.  Sitting closer to the eastern side of India, it was early December before I reached the village of...


An Early Valentine

By  Vanessa Webb | 

The Ocean of Consciousness within the human heart is second only to Agni (Fire), and stands ahead of the Consciousness of Darkness (or, the intelligence of silence).  These are the three Oceans in which we're birthed.  Can we rest in how precious that is...


A Deeper Look at Asteya

By  Vanessa Webb | 


Recently, I led a class where, as a group, we discussed Asteya (the 3rd Yogic Yama of non-stealing).  When leading classes on the Yamas, I like to consider the antidote to each…in this case, our own value...


Hope and the Hummingbird

By  Vanessa Webb | 

I was considering "hope" after having read an article that described “hope” as a false experience that we’re all being fooled by.  Feeling more like a defiant Charlie Brown in my response (head tossed back, with all that's left to see is his blip of a nose and tears squirting out the sides of his face) than wanting to accept this...


Go Forward Brave Soul and Trust

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Trust that life loves you
…even when your reluctant mind refuses to believe it
Trust that life wants the best for you 
…even more than you do
Trust that you will be guided 
…even without all your fussing over hearing it “right”
Trust that life is smiling at you...


Experiencing Saucha as the Present Moment

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Sweeping the front walk, getting our hair trimmed, watering the houseplants, and having our daily shower, are all elements of Saucha...


Practice and Let It Go

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Non-attachment does not mean that we don’t care, in fact it means we care more deeply. It’s our concept of what “caring” is that needs review.  We often associate “caring” from an attached frame of reference, whereas the ideal “caring” is freedom...