Journal Entries

Holi, Yamas, and Freedom

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Let the colours fly!  It’s India’s Holi festival!  Aside from Diwali, Holi is one of my favourite Hindu festivals….but, I’m a “foreigner”, so what do I really know…


Satya, I'm So Excited

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Is everything really wonderful, exciting, and amazing?  These words have become daily expressions for describing the way everyone is always feeling, apparently.  If I can test the waters here, I would say that these expressions falsely elevate our experience...


Step One: Breathe

By  Vanessa Webb | 

All of us can relate to having a cycle of thought that has become so settled in, that it sounds more to us, like the teacher in the Peanuts cartoon than any logical expression of words...


It's the Strike of a Match that Lights a Candle

By  Vanessa Webb | 

“The book to read is not the one that thinks for you but the one which makes you think.”~Harper Lee Similarly (to my chagrin), a teacher of mine once said, in reference to the Soulful realm, “They’re not here to lead you by the nose, if you’re an old soul, they’ll want you to figure it out”...


Quick to Judge: The Backstory

By  Vanessa Webb | 

A number of people took it upon themselves to let me know that I looked like a "bone rack".  I felt extremely self-conscious from their input, and felt betrayed by the entitlement they felt, to offer their “concern” for my appearance, without being given an invitation to do so...


The Yamas as Social Conduct Bring Inner Transformation

By  Vanessa Webb | 

The literal translation of Yama is “restraint”.  They are the restraints influencing our social conduct. Yet, in the practice of them, they also influence us deeply as an individual...


Tea Never Changes

By  Vanessa Webb | 

From a moment of meditative reflection, to shared tears and laughter, time spent around a cup of tea is what makes the experience a world of its own.  I read a post on social media recently, about a simple cup of tea….or, maybe it was penned as, the simplicity of a cup of tea, I don’t remember exactly...


Contraction and Expansion

By  Vanessa Webb | 

I know nothing about the black holes of outer space…but I think they are spaces that draw things into themselves?  Regardless, I do know they are considered spaces in which light cannot escape.  Recently, when reading a dialogue between Krishnamurti and one of his students, I got to thinking….


Anyone Can Count to One

By  Vanessa Webb | 

I remember being a little kid, on one particular day, I wanted to play Hide and Seek with the seemingly “bigger” kids.  They let me play, but it meant I had to be IT…they left me with one instruction, they told me to count for one minute.  I remember that I didn’t know how to do that but I didn’t want to tell them…they were the big kids...


Capable to Guide

By  Vanessa Webb | 

Yoga has become a very loud, very obnoxious industry.  It’s everywhere a person looks…yoga studios, yoga pants, yoga bras, yoga bodies, yoga videos, yoga accessories…yoga yoga yoga.  This is the gleaming industry of business…the industry of people who like to make money and know how to make it, through exploitation and through feeding human insecurities.  The yoga industry is the same as any other….the cosmetic industry, the vitamin industry, the oil industry, the carpet industry...